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          【達賴喇嘛來台】星雲法師:達賴喇嘛來台是政治操弄,對我不利 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX7Dod6MWz0 達賴喇嘛 ( slave and be slaved a crime of "害.Ren.害.G"/"Sheng.Boot.Rule.4" [Why they deserve the right to get a life? Because you allow any less evil to get power to get force to get authority to get the path and stick to be rich and famous, the evilest ***Because the evilest can see the same point that good better best Chinese can see that you commit the crime of "害.Ren.害.G"/"Sheng.Boot.Rule.4", you have no right to lead, that how they have to tool the name of "Whore.Whore.轉.10" to find a m 禮服ost innocent or naive blood tie to be the leader; that how "Mouth.Jer.Dong" time 達賴喇嘛chosen to run to hide, because "Mouth.Jer.Dong" one child policy+++Because good Chinese can see that you believe God, you must have no man made form, you believe Ghost, you should stay inside darkness; only those naive parents can know what "害.Ren.害.G"/"Sheng.Boot.Rule.4" means after themselves become parents; that how China Communist not ever want to chase 達賴喇嘛 overseas before they can find any way to kill all "害.Ren.害.G"/ 建築設計"Sheng.Boot.Rule.4" at the first place+++ can tell "Mouth.Jer.Dong" indeed mankind, "Mouth.Jer.Dong" refused to be Kinged can tell that "Mouth.Jer.Dong" know "Less evil or less good" must have no right to be that King, because good and evilest does not need to rely on visible force to be the boss***must have all right to do whatever it takes to overcome any less evil less good to own the power to own the force to own the authority to be the master to slave and be slaved to force every one to live the same man made hells as per their position 婚禮顧問unselfishly!!!That how you have no way to slave the evilest Chinese, because they can see the good Chinese and good English point of view that you sucking shameless white trash U.K.Queened can have that suck to place them inside any place to lie, you must have no right to demand anyone of them to be truthful to you sucking U.K.Queened biggest white trash in any way, not mention to be loyal to anyone liar less big than that sucking shameless U.K.queened white trash; but that most unselfish most righteous most invisible forceless lowest Satan !!!, the more p 酒店經紀ower you own the more miserable life you have to live, the more force you own, the more difficult life you have to deal, the more authority you own, the more jail time you have to lock in] worse than the crime of lie that USA committed, because USA can still rely on US military <That how military force needs to own or control the entire land of your nation {all church/temple/mosque must be destroyed, you believe in God, you don't need to rely on any man made form to get a life, you believe in Ghost, you need to stay at your own most private place to hide out the quiestest 裝潢 dimmest way by yourself only}, so that military can have the mean and way to make every man to have the free right to choose to work physically; because if not, your entire nation must be slaved controlled by 達賴喇嘛 the most invisible suck not if but when. Less evil has no way to win evilness, therefore, USA lie has no way to win 達賴喇嘛 "害.Ren.害.G"/"Sheng.Boot.Rule.4" suck> to kill ###That how your military must not allow anyone to enter any disaster area, because it is your military duty to kill any sick weak wicked to make sure your nation can have best hopeful tomorrow life. You beli 景觀設計eve "Ren.Dean.Sheng.Ten", you don't need to bother those insiders, you don't believe "Ren.Dean.Sheng.Ten", you must not be good enough to help any one of those insiders###;達賴喇嘛 force every one include himself to lose the right to die decently ) tool the name of religion to slave poor uneducated (Man who does not know how to read and write, must have more freedom than any wild animal to do whatever he wants or likes to do.) underaged (Just see what a hair standing crime his sucking group committed to tool the name "Whore.Whore.轉.10" to force slave control that little child in front of the entire world; not men 酒店工作tion his sucking group committed the crime of lie to tool the name of Catholic.Vatican <How could 達賴喇嘛 got the path and stick to tool the name of Catholic/Vatican establishment around the world to suck? Because that so called "達賴喇嘛"form @@@The land and frame and property owned by so called "張.Liang.C.10" and left to the blood tie left behind by them, they rescued that dying or phony dying criminal of Vatican priest or priests, then one by one killed by that priest or those priests, then replaced by phony one like American werewolves done in Mainland China and Taiwan, then have the entire property entire land under their control, 售屋網and have all less evil less good under their slave.@@@ was built up by escaped Vatican jailed priest or priests slaved controlled by biggest White trash UK queened @@@Therefore, you should know how come your entire Mainland China lost all good better best Chinese remaining most powerful Paper Tiger through their sucking simplified Chinese words; how come your Taiwan and HongKong lost their good better best perfect Chinese mandarin voice in all your low to high, small and big screen or stage. Not mention now your Chinese and entire Asia are losing your most respectable black hair out of your young and restless head, sucking and shameless TV show to kill all y 室內裝潢our black haired supposed common sense and brain cells@@@ personal loyalty with the mission to do whatever it takes to destroy all Chinese good remaining, to do whatever it takes to destroy all English good remaining; because without good Chinese remaining, no one can deal with evil dressed animals; without English good remaining, no one can deal with religion lies; because good Chinese remaining can tell how "Whore" must keep pure virgin to the end; good English remaining can tell how all white woman must not afford to have sex with anyone.>to slave control underaged kids in Latin America. ) , against Chinese  best traditional mankind free will, must be killed imme 部落格diately.  .

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          回覆:神的預知 # 2782 http://tieba.baidu.com/f?z=126813747&ct=335544320&lm=0&sc=0&rn= 澎湖民宿>30&tn=baiduPostBrows 關鍵字行銷er&word=%CC%EC%B7%BD%D2%B9%CC%B8&pn=2310 房屋二胎 Not mention to keep your sucking White House President seat. You 酒店兼職r sucking US liar treason President Bill Clinton's ass whore co-president Hillary C 室內裝潢linton cannot even have the honest eyes to see her President die, dare shamelessly to show up on the national T ARMANIV to accuse you sucking American innocent less powerful/powerless whoever "Right Wing Conspiracy", more deserve to be killed than a 房地產ny accused terror by your sucking shameless injustice disgusting government. Shame on you sucking shameless USA, how shameless you sucking government wor 房屋二胎kers dare not commit suicide to kill all yourselves.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 房屋買賣  .

flwphhfmffeki 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

          2009 08 21 88水災 政府對於台灣做了些甚麼?核這些內閣官員做了些什麼? 8月7號 莫?融資< 景觀設計/a>唭J颱風襲擊台灣 南台灣總降雨量 45 裝潢2 毫米 (以是超大豪雨的標準) 8月8號 南台灣的降雨量 1146 訂做禮服毫米 ……..8月9號 南台灣總降雨量已是1200毫米以! 以南台灣2天的總降雨量都破2000毫 酒店經紀米以上…….災民這2天失去了家人失去了親人 甚至在父親節當天失去了父親……(淚) 而~~~國家的內閣閣?酒店兼職ㄕb幹麻??? 且看以下影片 這是薛香川的理由 馬?駕到唯我獨尊 邱正雄還在狡辯 夏立言慘遭政治土石流掩埋 劉兆玄 跑去染 情趣用品髮 接電話還有說有笑 真是冷血 兩岸連手逮要犯 大陸公安明年初駐台 罷免馬英九以是無法避免的了 這已經是很嚴重外患罪了!試問兩蔣再地下有靈 會不會從慈湖 買屋網跳起來 跑到太平洋撲通跳下去呢?   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 西裝外套  .

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          百萬休旅車撞斷紅綠燈桿 車主不捨 天雨路滑,開車要特別小心!彰化一名男子疑似為了閃避前方台中汽 信用卡代償車借款 車輛 商務中心,煞車不及撞上路邊紅綠燈,紅綠 租房子燈桿整個被撞斷,百萬休旅車的車頭也撞凹一大塊,車主很 酒店打工無奈,除了得修車,還得賠紅綠燈桿維修費用。 休旅車撞上紅綠燈桿,燈桿從底部 禮服被撞斷,掉在車上,路邊只剩紅綠燈基座,百萬休旅車車頭凹陷,引擎蓋留下台中派夾報公司 撞擊後的痕 結婚西裝跡,下方保險桿撞的更嚴重,凹了一大塊。車主:「煞不住。」駕駛撞斷紅綠燈桿,自己也嚇到了。車主:「前面車突然停下來 濾桶,我為了怕台中汽車借款 撞上他,趕緊閃開。」這起意外發生在彰化市中山路二段與仁愛東街口,車主說,天雨路滑,煞車不及,沒想到會撞上電線桿,等警?訂做禮服餔蝎M肇事責任後,他除了得花一筆龐大台中派夾報公司 修車費用,還得賠6萬元的電線桿維修費,也成了雨天的受害者。 推薦網站:台中汽車借款,台中胎毛筆,台中肚臍 酒肉朋友印章,台中派夾報公司,台中機車借款,台中借錢,台中當舖 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 太平洋房屋  .

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          消防觀念,好笑喔!不過是真的喔! 消防觀念,好笑喔!不過是真的喔! 這篇內容不錯又有趣,請用力轉寄. 消防觀念 (一) 當火災發生時,用濕毛巾掩住口鼻, 請問毛巾弄濕了要不要擰乾?? Ans : 當然要, 不然還沒被煙嗆死先被水嗆死, 這真的要 G2000怪政府以前宣導錯誤, 只說要將毛巾弄濕也沒說要擰乾… (二) 如果沒有水可以弄濕毛巾, 需不需要當場灑泡尿或吐口水弄濕毛巾?? Ans: 當然不需要, 第?個人信貸@,那種緊急情況要灑得出尿也難, 第二,火災逃生時間是三分二十五秒, 難道要花兩分鐘在那邊灑尿嗎?? 第三,專家說乾毛巾和濕毛巾的效果沒差多少, 第四,尿很臭。 ( 裝潢三) 如果房間外都是煙和火而逃不出去的話, 這時房間內如果有馬桶, 可以把臉埋入馬桶吸取僅存的空氣 (意思就是告誡大家平常要多洗馬桶)。 如果沒有馬桶.... 通常衣櫥因為都是關著的, 所以 酒肉朋友衣櫥內也有剩餘的空氣,可以躲在衣櫥內, 不管躲在哪裡都要用硬物敲擊牆壁或地面 讓救生員可以找到你… (四) 火場逃生採低姿勢爬行逃出, 但如果是在公共場所遇到火災就不要再爬了, 因為可能沒被燒死先被踩死… 當然如果可 酒店工作以的話, 沿著牆壁採低姿勢快速逃出最好… (五) 在火場內要不要睜開眼睛?? Ans: 當然不要, 不要相信電視電影的火災現場 好像紅白藍綠什麼顏色都有, 其實根本是漆黑一片, 有沒有張開眼睛都沒用, 而且如果眼睛長時間 在高溫煙霧下會被灼傷而導?西裝P失明… 此時手盡量向前伸,以手代眼…… (六) 逃生時需不需要用塑膠袋裝空氣套在頭上?? Ans: 如果只是火災初期溫度不高時可以, 如果已是火災中後期,四周溫度很高就千萬不要, 除非你想當天龍八部裡面那個鐵丑, 因為高溫會使塑膠袋溶解粘在皮膚上 導致….自己想像... 酒店打工a>.... (七) 愛美的女士遇到火災第一件事是什麼?? Ans: 脫掉絲襪,因為絲襪和塑膠袋的"效果"一樣……… (八) 現在有一種沒有保存期限的滅火器, 而且可以多次使用, 這種滅火器所用的材料是"海龍" 可以噴在衣物上逃出火場, 但不要直接噴在皮膚上否則可能會凍傷, 或者可以噴在棉被上披著 西裝外套棉被逃出……… (九) 家裡的滅火器放在廚房裡?? Ans: 錯! 千萬不要放在廚房裡,因為如果廚房起火, 哪有可能還衝進去拿滅火器… 再不然就放在廚房門外。 最好是放在臥室裡, 如果發生火災可以馬上拿到, 如果沒發生火災還可以用來打小偷… (十) 一般的公共場所會有防煙面罩, 但是材質都是玻璃紙的那種, 當然又 房屋二胎和塑膠袋沒兩樣, 有一種比較好的防煙面罩, 不僅防煙還防火, 而且長達15分鐘, (我們研習的時候當場有請一位老師上去示範, 帶著面罩用火直接燒都沒感覺) 最好家裡可以購置…… 記得請大家告訴大家正確的消防觀念… .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店經紀  .

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